Customer data platforms (CDPs) are an excellent choice for data management in many industries. But healthcare isn’t...
Posted By Freshpaint on 10/31/2023
What did it take to get most of the healthcare world asking questions about why things like Facebook Ads and Google Analytics...
Posted By Freshpaint on 10/31/2023
When Microsoft released Internet Explorer 3.0, and President Clinton signed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability...
Posted By Freshpaint on 10/31/2023
Looking to build lasting patient loyalty? The answer is to create an experience that makes it seamless for them to choose...
Posted By Geonetric on 10/03/2023
Redesigns for health system websites are complex and time-intensive. It isn’t easy to take apart, reorganize and rebuild...
Posted By Aha Media Group on 10/03/2023
To convince your IT department to invest in a CMS, you’ll need to speak their language.The healthcare industry today...
Posted By Yext on 09/29/2023
We get it— it’s only natural that healthcare marketers often stay hyper-focused on new patient acquisition....
Posted By Cardinal Digital Marketing on 09/29/2023
Customer or buyer intent refers to the motivations that drive consumer behaviors—not simply what they want, but why...
Posted By Strategic Communications on 09/28/2023
NOTE: This article was published in September 2023. Commentary on the status of legislation is accurate at the time of writing.No...
Posted By Infermedica on 09/28/2023