Yext puts you in control of the public-facing facts about your brand across more than 150 digital services around the world including Google Maps, Amazon Alexa, Facebook, Bing, TripAdvisor and more.
Adam Long, Regional Vice President, Yext
Will Bray, Account Executive, Yext
Yext (NYSE: YEXT) helps organizations answer every question about their business. Yext's Answers Platform collects and organizes content into a Knowledge Graph, then leverages a complementary set o... Read more
PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPSSPONSORED BY: MODEAEver tried justifying your marketing efforts and found it impossible to track ROI, to identify patient value or find financials internally more
Interactive & Digital Strategies Track - Sponsored by Reason OneWith over 70% of people consulting Dr. Google to find health information, it is increasingly important to understand more
Search today has little to do with branding and push marketing – it’s all about patient intent. Although health systems push out brand messaging, patients aren’t more
Discover insights from industry leaders on the current and future state of AI and marketing.Wondering how to adapt your marketing strategy now that AI is a player?You're not alone. more