Interactive & Digital Strategies Track - Sponsored by Reason One
With over 70% of people consulting Dr. Google to find health information, it is increasingly important to understand Google’s constantly changing algorithms and how it surfaces results.
Hear how Beacon Health leveraged technology to drive significant SEO improvements by understanding Google and the “Google machine.” The results? Increased patient satisfaction and acquisition.
Presented by:
Matt Klawitter
Senior Digital Access Strategist
Beacon Health System
Carrie Liken
Head of Industry, Healthcare
Yext (NYSE: YEXT) helps organizations answer every question about their business. Yext's Answers Platform collects and organizes content into a Knowledge Graph, then leverages a complementary set o... Read more
110 E 2nd St, Austin, TX 78701, USA
View Larger MapEvery health system confronts that moment when a website redesign becomes necessary. But website redesigns have changed with the times – patients no longer find information just more
Figuring out what online consumers want is no longer a guessing game: their questions, needs, and intentions are more evident and actionable than ever. Users who search on company more
As states begin to reopen, health systems are slowly resuming booking patients for certain elective procedures. But patients are still weighed down with questions like, “Is it more
Learn how AI can drive innovation in the healthcare space.Join Chris Pace, Chief Digital Marketing Officer, at Banner Health, and Carrie Liken, Head of Industry, Healthcare at Yext more