Over the past few weeks, Yext has hosted an AI webinar series and interviewed two healthcare leaders, John Davey, Mount...
Posted By Yext on 05/10/2023
As organizations are looking to make strategic technology investments that have significant impact across their organizations,...
Posted By Kyruus Health on 05/10/2023
We have all seen the Google Translate fails. They are often innocent and good for a chuckle. However, in the grand scheme...
Posted By Interpreters and Translators, Inc. on 05/04/2023
Encapsulating the recent Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society’s annual meeting can be like trying...
Posted By The Society for Health Care Strategy & Market Development (SHSMD) on 05/04/2023
We often hear that digital health solutions are for everyone. That said, is it true? In this article, we’ll cover...
Posted By Infermedica on 05/04/2023
Empower your patients to take back control of their healthcare decisions by providing digital experiences that reduce friction...
Posted By Yext on 04/14/2023
Nearly everyone these days is walking around with a hyperconnected supercomputer on their person—a hyperconnected...
Posted By Gozio Health on 04/10/2023
It’s our job to be obsessed with content. You have to immerse yourself in your industry to truly know your audience...
Posted By Aha Media Group on 04/07/2023
How are you powering your customer retention program? Do you even have one? While the healthcare industry has traditionally...
Posted By Cardinal Digital Marketing on 04/07/2023