Posted By Phase2 on 07/20/2020

UI Design Podcast: Episode 2 - Design QA

UI Design Podcast: Episode 2 - Design QA

Whether you’re a UI Designer, a Developer or simply someone that has an appreciation for quality digital experiences, this podcast should be valuable to you! At Phase2, we pride ourselves not only in WHAT we produce but also HOW we produce it. Simply being masters of a craft is not enough. We want to be curious along the way and continually ask WHY and HOW we work together and communicate more efficiently, ultimately facilitating continual professional development.

Listen in and hear from our host and UI Designer, Melinda Lease, as she interviews one of our Product Managers, Janine Pracht and two of our Developers, Peter Schuelke and Joanna Anderson on their experience with Design QA (Quality Assurance). Be sure to tune into our other episodes of this mini-series as well!

Phase2 · UI Design Podcast: Episode 2 - Design QA (Quality Assurance)


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From engineering interconnected patient experiences to designing new digital platforms, our experience with hospitals and healthcare systems is extensive and touches on every facet of the business.

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