Better supply means higher quality care.

The iRemedy marketplace drives down prices by increasing competition - an eCommerce experience enabling convenient and efficient buying of medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, surgical equipment, and retail products. With 15 years in healthcare supply, iRemedy is a trusted and reliable partner for acquiring medical supplies and Personal Protective Equipment. We guarantee access to verified supplies by sourcing directly from established manufacturers and distributors around the world. We bypass supply-chain bottlenecks and offer the widest selection of products by working with multiple vendors. Our industry-leading IP and group purchasing power enable transparency and competition on our online marketplace, driving consistently low pricing.

Service Focus

100% Focused on Healthcare
100% of iRemedy's customers are in the healthcare industry
Marketing accounts for 20% of their focus
Patient Engagement accounts for 40% of their focus
Patient Experience accounts for 40% of their focus

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Clients & Case Studies

Boutique Eye Orlando
Premier Health

Employees: 11-50
Min. Project Size: Any