There are a lot of teams across your healthcare organization, and many of them are responsible for hosting and promoting events. But without a central platform, each team must manage and promote those events with little oversight or control from marketing. Join Yext’s Carrie Liken, Head of Industry for Healthcare, and Jaci Kent, Product Marketing Manager, as they explain how you can help your teams get more out of their events by managing and promoting them in a consistent, automated way — gaining more brand control, and measuring their impact along the way.
Yext (NYSE: YEXT) helps organizations answer every question about their business. Yext's Answers Platform collects and organizes content into a Knowledge Graph, then leverages a complementary set o... Read more
Discover insights from industry leaders on the current and future state of AI and marketing.Wondering how to adapt your marketing strategy now that AI is a player?You're not alone. more
Technology has changed how consumers seek health information, consume content, and travel to and from appointments. Learn how Banner Health is adopting new technology solutions more
Explore insights from industry leaders on how to manage your brand's reputation.In today's fragmented search landscape, customers interact with your brand in more places than more
Explore insights from industry leaders on how to manage your brand's digital presence.Customers seek answers everywhere, and more information is available than ever to influence more