Posted By Yext on 03/20/2020

Delivering Answers During a Crisis: How One Brand Nailed It

Delivering Answers During a Crisis: How One Brand Nailed It

As the response to COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak continues to escalate, the CDC has issued new guidelines for individuals in the US who are over 60 years old. CDC recommendations change daily, and healthcare organizations — and many other brands, too — are feeling the weight of the need to keep patients and customers informed and safe as searches related to coronavirus symptoms, diagnoses, and preparedness continue to climb.

This challenge — to deliver accurate, up-to-date information around the complex topic of coronavirus and its impact on different parts of business and society —  raises questions on the macro scale as well: In any time of crisis, how prepared is your brand to quickly update the information on your website? How able are you to deliver answers with an instant reaction time?

The answer starts with your knowledge graph. Businesses need to have a knowledge graph that feeds into a system that delivers on-site answers, bringing everything a customer might want to know to the surface. Today, that’s likely to be questions about a business’ preparation and processes related to coronavirus, or guidance on what health actions customers should take to stay safe. Failure to surface these answers will likely result in a customer turning to a location or brand they feel is doing more to protect and support them. 

To build trust, brands need to inform people quickly and seamlessly in times of crisis like this one. To do otherwise puts both companies and individuals at risk. 

As an example of how organizations can handle this, IHA systems has incorporated the most recent CDC information into their website to deliver their customers the answers they need.

With Yext Answers, IHA was able to update their on-site answers right away, allowing them to successfully answer critical user questions. Healthcare Associates of Texas and ELFP have also already done the same. 

As a health system, providing CDC-verified information in a direct answer — no clicking through links required — disseminates critical facts more easily, building patient trust. And it even potentially saves lives. Letting people know who is most at risk and what precautions to take has never been more important. 

Correct, verified answers have the power to inform and protect. Is your brand answers-ready with instant reaction time to give your customers what they need?

Learn more about IHA’s partnership with Yext by watching the full webinar.

The original version of this page was published at:

Yext (NYSE: YEXT) helps organizations answer every question about their business. Yext's Answers Platform collects and organizes content into a Knowledge Graph, then leverages a complementary set o... Read more

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