Posted By Reason One on 02/02/2022

Secrets of the Best Intranets

Essential, yet confusing. That’s a bad combination in a healthcare environment. Yet, this is how nearly 40% of users described their intranet.Healthcare intranets are a critical tool that often get overlooked, suffering from lack of maintenance and buy-in. Based on findings from a recent survey conducted by Reason One and Greystone,  we share what the best ones have in common and how to improve yours despite constraints in this webinar.   

You’ll learn: 

  • Why intranets matter, especially in a healthcare setting 
  • What the best intranets do well 
  • How to get leadership buy-in for improvements 
  • Ways you can improve your intranet today

Want the full report? You can download it, plus a toolkit of resources, here

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Reason One is a full-service digital partner to the leaders and go-getters in healthcare. We provide strategy, design, content, development, and digital marketing services to hospital systems, foun... Read more

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