117 W Mistletoe Ave
San Antonio, TX 78212
Podcasts dedicated to discussions on all things healthcare.
About touch point media

The Connected Hospital is a podcast that covers current topical news and trends about Health IT, new technologies in the industry, and the challenges faced in today’s fast-paced hospital and healthcare environment. This podcast is targeted for Health IT leaders inside and outside of the hospital.  Twice a month, host Lance Lunsford features a trending topic in health care where the convergence of technology and operations meet. Joined in each episode with a leading thinker in the space, Lance interviews company and industry leaders who are reaching for ways to improve health care through innovation and disruption of the status quo. Join us as we talk about issues, trends, and operations that are striving to create meaningful change for patients and those who deliver their care.

DataPoint is a podcast about the role of data & analytics in improving healthcare – today and in the future. Every other week, host Greg Matthews features a trending topic in health data, frequently joined by a leading thinker in the space. Each show will focus on a vision for the future, and the real work that’s happening today to bring that future about in the context of the “quadruple aim”: enhancing patient experience, improving population health, improving provider experience and reducing costs in the system. Join us as we talk about trends – and the people who make them – going behind the news to unearth meaning and context.

Health Fail is a podcast exploring the Fails in healthcare, of which there are many. Through conversations with some of the top healthcare minds in government, for-profit and non-profit, we’ll discuss failures from the highly publicized to the never before told stories of failures that birthed healthcare transformation. As Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Health Fail is hosted by Zac Jiwa. He has spent the last 20 years failing, and in so doing, changing the landscape of the healthcare world as we know it. Join Zac and co-host Michelle Noteboom as they celebrate the many health fails that have driven and are driving the next wave of healthcare transformation.

High Stakes answers the questions healthcare leaders are asking. High Stakes offers concise takes on the issues affecting healthcare providers today: strategic positioning, issue navigation, change management. mergers and acquisitions, marketing, digital transformation, patient experience, executive leadership and healthcare governance, and much more. At Jarrard Phillips Cate & Hancock, we understand the stakes are high for healthcare executives. Every day, you are making bold decisions in a noisy, evolving industry. High Stakes puts you in the room with us and our more than 150 cumulative years of healthcare strategic communications experience so that you can not just survive but lead the transformation of our industry.

How I Got Here is a podcast featuring some of the most influential leaders in healthcare talking about everything except where they are now. Join host Reed Smith as he explores the stories and individuals that make up our industry today.

HCIC Next is a podcast focusing on how digital marketing leaders are reshaping marketing and the healthcare industry. This podcast series shares information about the innovations that are happening today in digital marketing and helps you understand how to apply what has worked in other health systems across the country to your very own organization. HCIC Next is based on the sessions presented at the Healthcare Internet Conference.

TPS 5 is an extension of touch point and is released within the touch point feed each week. Need a quick recap of that week’s TPS Report? Tune in each Friday to hear touch point co-host Chris Boyer cover the most important story from the most recent eNews edition. All this goodness in five minutes. 

The New Normal: Conversations About the Future of Healthcare is a 10-part series exploring how the healthcare industry is changing, in a post-pandemic world.

The health care industry is facing unprecedented times. The global pandemic has upturned our economy, disrupted the normal flow of our everyday lives, and transformed our hospitals and health systems to become a significant part of the front line of battle in this public health crisis. As our industry is responding to the COVID-19 epidemic, some of us are beginning to wonder: how we will return to “business as usual” (and what does that even look like?).

Through interviews with industry leaders, this series will cover topics ranging from public health, policy, marketing, data privacy, and digital health. Sponsored by Yext.

Power of the Patient is a five-part series in which “e-Patient Dave” deBronkart shares what we all need to know to get the best medical care without going broke or getting killed in the process. An “e-patient” is someone who is empowered, engaged, equipped, and able, who never expected the system to do everything but thinks and acts like a responsible independent person.

The Exam Room is a podcast exploring the boundaries of medicine, technology, and culture, putting a lens on the forces reshaping medicine. One of the core threads running through the program will be the idea of technologically mediated change and its effect on the work of health care professionals.

touch point, a podcast dedicated to discussions on digital marketing and online patient engagement strategies for hospitals, health systems, and physicians practices. In each episode, we dive deep into a variety of topics on the digital tools, solutions, strategies, and processes that are impacting the healthcare industry today.

Intersection podcast is a collection of connective stories inside healthcare, public policy, social justice, and sports. The host is Bobby Rettew, who has spent his career interviewing some of the most interesting people. Now he brings these many intersections together inside one podcast, inside the art of storytelling.

That’s What They Said is a podcast discussing the current trends of online transparency and how they impact physicians, hospitals, and health systems. This podcast is made possible by Binary Fountain and is a production of touch point media.

Gear in Review is a podcast that explores the many gadgets, gizmos, and widgets used everyday to capture and tell stories inside hospitals. We are constantly asked what camera do you use, what microphone records the best podcast, and even which drone is best for our hospital. We discuss the many gadgets in our tool bag that can help us capture and tell great stories.


As we navigate through rapidly changing times, healthcare organizations are being forced to become innovative and creative... read more


This 10-part series will exploring how the healthcare industry is changing, in a post-pandemic world. The health care... read more


Have you ever asked yourself, “I wonder how she ended up in that job?” or, “I wonder what his background... read more


Health Fail is a podcast exploring the Fails in healthcare, of which there are many. Through conversations with some of... read more


The Connected Hospital is a podcast that covers current topical news and trends about Health IT, new technologies in the... read more


DataPoint is a podcast about the role of data & analytics in improving healthcare – today and in the future.... read more


touch point is a podcast dedicated to discussions on digital marketing and online patient engagement strategies for hospitals,... read more


Submitted by Greg Matthews at HealthQuant

Disclosure: My podcast, DataPoint is on the Touch Point Media Network, but has been on hiatus since October 21. As a podcaster, I can vouch for the fact that the network provides truly exceptional support for the podcasts on the network, from production to promotion. I also believe that it provides outstanding value and service to its sponsors, who can leverage the network to reach a really tough audience: Healthcare executives.

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Disclosure: My podcast, DataPoint is on the Touch Point Media Network, but has been on ...read more

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Clients & Case Studies

Binary Fountain
Inova Health


Employees: 1-10
Min. Project Size: Any
100% Focused on Healthcare
100% of touch point media's customers are in the healthcare industry
Service Focus

Digital Marketing accounts for 10% of their focus
- 1 Review
Patient Engagement accounts for 10% of their focus
Podcasting accounts for 80% of their focus
- 1 Review