We're the community for people leading social media at the world's biggest companies.

We're the confidential, vendor‑free membership organization for people leading social media at the world's biggest companies. As a social media leader, your mission is important. We're here to help you win. There are certain things you can only talk about in total confidence with people like you, with jobs like yours (and problems like yours), at companies like yours. SocialMedia.org is a private, carefully-screened, and vendor-free community for peer-to-peer support from leaders like you. If you're leading social media at a major brand, we've got a board seat for you.

Service Focus

20% Focused on Healthcare
20% of SocialMedia.org's customers are in the healthcare industry
Social Media accounts for 100% of their focus

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Clients & Case Studies

Mayo Clinic
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Employees: 51-200
Min. Project Size: Any