101 Morgan Ln
Plainsboro Township, NJ 08536

Damco is one of the leading Salesforce Gold consulting partners offering full-scale Salesforce solutions with end-to-end implementation support. Damco has strong experience in developing customized, robust, and secure technology and digital solutions for physicians, healthcare ISVs, hospitals, and provider networks. We offer technology solutions keeping in consideration accountability, affordability, regulatory reforms, and structural changes in the Health Industry. We focus on the technology trends reshaping the health care industries comprising of digitalization, mobility, big data, cloud computing, data security, and predictive analysis and reporting.

Service Focus

20% Focused on Healthcare
20% of Damco Solutions's customers are in the healthcare industry
Analytics accounts for 10% of their focus
CMS Software and Selection accounts for 20% of their focus
CRM / PRM Software accounts for 30% of their focus
Market Research accounts for 10% of their focus
AI/Chatbot accounts for 10% of their focus

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Employees: 501-1000
Min. Project Size: Any