Your healthcare system needs to build trust among consumers and get revenue flowing, and the industry has only gotten tougher and more competitive. To do that, you have to deliver better results faster than you have before, possibly with a smaller team, a smaller budget or both. It’s a tall order, but this level of marketing success is within your grasp. The secret of efficient healthcare marketing that converts lies in what you know about your organization’s consumers. We’ll show you how shaping your campaigns around consumers’ needs, fears, desires and decision paths will help you create conversion-centered campaigns that yield the results you need.
Register for the webinar to learn:
• Discover your consumers: Better campaign performance comes from talking to consumers – not at them
• Learn how mapping consumer interactions helps build paths to conversion
• See the outcomes as we review how this influences actual campaign outcomes
• Paul Griffiths, General Manager, Digital Health Solutions, Perficient
• Chandra Craven, Senior Healthcare Strategist, Digital Health Solutions, Perficient
• Stu Eddins, Senior Digital Marketing Manager, Digital Health Solutions, Perficient
About Perficient
Perficient is a global digital consultancy transforming how the world's leading enterprises and biggest brands connect with customers and grow their businesses.
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