WebMD Ignite on 07/07/2020

The Perfect Consumer Experience

The Perfect Consumer Experience
08/18/2020 - 08/18/2020
3:15PM CT - 4:15PM CT

Executing a consumer engagement strategy, in the most cost effective manner possible across all touch-points and channels, requires a myriad of distinct platforms living in a unified state. 

Examine a real-life case where EMR, CRM, CMS, Engagement Center, and Marketing Automation platforms all speak the same language, enabling hyper-targeted segmentation and improved personalized outreach. Take home tools for your own journey. 


Jeff Bean
VP, System Marketing & Brand, Geisinger (Danville, PA) 

Gary Druckenmiller, Jr.
SVP, Strategy & Innovation, Healthgrades 

Interactive & Digital Strategies Track - Sponsored by Modea


WebMD Ignite is the only full-service, healthcare-specific growth partner for health organizations, healthcare professionals, providers, and payers. We help guide people to better health at all sta... Read more

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