WebMD Ignite on 04/07/2020

Coronavirus Town Hall with Insights from the American Telemedicine Association

Coronavirus Town Hall with Insights from the American Telemedicine Association
04/09/2020 - 04/09/2020
3:00PM ET - 4:00PM ET
Price: Free

Join us for our second Coronavirus Town Hall featuring Ann Mond Johnson, CEO of the American Telemedicine Association, Joe Brennan, Telehealth consultant at Moonshot Health Consulting, and Dr. Brad Bowman, Chief Medical Officer at Healthgrades. 

Fifty-three percent of those who participated in the poll on last week’s Coronavirus Town Hall said they were rapidly scaling their existing telehealth program and another 27% said they were currently implementing virtual care services. Given the rise of adoption of telehealth, we welcome experts from the ATA to share their insights. 

Attendees will have a chance to ask questions after hearing our speakers discuss:

  • Background of telehealth including the use of async and AI for screening
  • Practical elements of deploying telehealth 
  • Changes in policy and regulation


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