Posted By True North on 07/09/2020

The State of Healthcare Content Marketing in 2020

The State of Healthcare Content Marketing in 2020

In light of COVID-19 and the rising demand for actionable health information, content marketing is becoming one of the most effective ways to attract, engage and grow your communities. The State of Healthcare Content Marketing is the industry's only research study on the subject, with survey findings featured on Becker's, MarketingProfs, and other leading resources. 

Brought to you by True North Custom and the Forum for Healthcare Strategists, this year's report will feature insights on the era of forced evolution—and future impact.

Get insights to guide your strategy by participating in this year's survey:

By completing the survey, you'll receive exclusive access to a detailed report that outlines how your content marketing practices compare to industry standards and trends — and you'll be entered to win a $200 Visa gift card.

Jason Skinner, Chief Marketing Officer

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True North is your expert healthcare marketing agency, offering full-service, HIPAA-compliant marketing solutions.

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