Posted By Mytonomy on 04/10/2020

Microlearning in Healthcare

The modern learner has an attention span of 8 seconds and is busy, overwhelmed, distracted and increasingly mobile
Shrinking attention spans, declining ability to retain information, increased desire for control of the learning experience and high-stress working environments have led to a demand for shorter learning content.  

Microlearning developed from this demand. Its roots are in Corporate America where organizations needed to find ways to engage with today’s learners to improve productivity and financial performance.  

  • Walmart launched game-style surveys and response-driven content deployment to reinforce key messages around safety leading to significant reductions in OSHA claims.
  • Domino’s launched recipe training in microlearning format, using real world examples to reinforce portion sizes & recipe knowledge. This improved speed and accuracy, throughput and costs, and, ultimately, customer satisfaction.
  • Magellan created bite-sized, just-in-time lessons available to employees on-demand resulting in major increases in adoption of their learning portal.

There are many other examples as well, such as from Bloomingdales, Google and Berkshire Hathaway.

Mytonomy brings the concepts of microlearning to healthcare to drive high usage rates, leading to greater patient engagement and more effective care teams which results in improved clinical and financial outcomes.  Microlearning in healthcare should not only provide patient education and improve knowledge, but also increase patient confidence and preparedness relative to their care in order to drive behavior change.

Key Principles of Microlearning Include:

  • “Look Up Learning” ® or “Short Burst Learning”: Content never exceeds 3 minutes
  • Holistic: A single topic is covered in a single asset
  • Engaging: The content is engaging and keeps the viewer’s attention
  • Novelty: Content can be deployed in a variety of modalities
  • Tailoring: Content is tailored to maintain regionalism so characters look and sound familiar to viewers
  • Real World Context: Providing real world context and concrete examples to videos gives patients something to relate to and draws attention to the video
  • Simple, Strengths-Based Communication: Empowering viewers is the ideal outcome, and this is achievable through plain, person first language
  • Repetition: Provide examples of learning in different representations
  • Modular: A set of assets comprises a “module”®
  • Easy-to-Find Content: Content is cataloged in such a way to quickly retrieve key concepts
  • Self-Paced: Content can be viewed and absorbed at the patient’s pace
  • Self-Directed: Patient can support their needs and choose content based on interest, in any order
  • Story: The heart of Mytonomy’s content - we can create a character and a challenge for them to overcome
  • Graphics: High quality graphics and visuals
  • Rapid Delivery: Content can be produced quickly to keep up with changing markets

For more information about our microlearning library, click here.

The original version of this page was published at:

Mytonomy’s Patient Experience Cloud™ enables health systems to build trusted, loyal, online relationships using award-winning, microlearning video content delivered through an easy-to-use digital p... Read more

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