Click! Change of address completed.
Click! New insurance card issued.
Click! Member claim processed.
Every second, multiple clicks are being made at member services centers as agents jump from screen to screen to quickly access and process member inquiries.
Each one of those clicks may take a second to perform, yet each is backed by many hours of evaluation to ensure it is working efficiently. It is the role of the UI/UX designer to look at the implications of each one of those clicks.
We’re pulling back the curtain for a behind-the-scenes look at the steps UI/UX designers take to implement Salesforce at a member services center. We’ll reveal how they use design to elevate the agents’ interactions with members and create a better overall experience for agents and members alike.
UI stands for “user interface design” and UX refers to “user experience design.” UI focuses on the visual elements on the screen, while UX centers on the user’s interaction with those elements.
The pair of terms are usually used together since they both contribute to the success of a call center’s CRM system. For example, a UI/UX designer may assess the color of buttons users click on, how text is entered into the system’s fields, or how smooth the transitions are between screens.
The end goal of UI/UX is to ensure that the design aligns with the needs of the member services center and its agents. The system’s screens must keep all the members’ information organized so the team can quickly and easily access the details they need to help members.
The UI/UX designer is trying to create the shortest path to success for the member services agent to efficiently help the member, whether that’s cutting down the number of clicks or reducing screen load time. But there are often some blockades impeding that path.
A common challenge designers face is member services centers using CRM systems that are too information-dense. They cram a ton of details onto one screen and clutter it up. This results in:
UI/UX design starts with a series of discovery sessions to gather data around how member services teams use their Salesforce application when interacting with members. Designers are looking for the context of the member inquiry, how frequently the inquiry is made, and the users’ workflows to access the response to the inquiry.
Designers identify the main reasons that members would be contacting a call center, such as checking the status of a claim, having a question about a bill, or what getting married means for their insurance. Designers then create a lengthy list of reasons to match what needs to appear within the call center’s Salesforce platform.
Once designers understand all of the member services tasks they need to design for, they’ll walk the client through prioritizing those tasks, often through activities like card sorting or collaborative sketching. The goal is to see what patterns and themes emerge.
There is only so much real estate available on one screen, and those activities that are conducted more frequently get priority, and lesser-used activities are moved to other sections of the application. For example, if ‘claim status’ is ranked high, then a designer may place that activity prominently at the top of the Salesforce page. Users often think that every action is essential, and prioritization forces them to surface what they believe is the most relevant.
Once the exploratory stage is completed, the UI/UX design team uses the research to begin building the structure of the Salesforce application. Depending on the project, designers will imagine creative ways to employ existing Salesforce components, or design new experiences using Salesforce OmniStudio or custom Lightning Web Components. No matter which route they choose, they need to make sure that any experience they design doesn’t feel designed.
Salesforce OmniStudio has robust out-of-the-box features and the flexibility to meet a member services center’s exact requirements. The two OmniStudio tools designers primarily use are FlexCards and OmniScript. FlexCards provide the member services agents with a combination of information and actions, and OmniScript creates guided user flows.
For example, when a member services agent receives a call from a member looking to change their address, the agent brings up the FlexCard with the member’s information at-a-glance. The agent then launches a guided process from the FlexCard to change the address in the system.
UI and UX designers are not just looking at how the system looks and feels to users, but also how it functions. For the billing address example, designers want to ensure that the user process flows smoothly within the Salesforce structure. They may include showing users a confirmation screen that the address has been updated or an alert that the member needs their new address on an additional policy.
Effective UI and UX design is a vital part of a member services center’s Salesforce platform. The design allows agents to help members quickly and efficiently, which increases member satisfaction, retention, and brand loyalty.
Silverline is a certified Salesforce partner that provides consulting, implementation services, and ongoing support. Our talented team of Salesforce UI and UX design experts is here to help you maximize your member services center’s look, feel, and function. Find out how we can make your Salesforce experience more user-friendly.
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