Join us to hear the results of Greystone.Net’s recent survey for healthcare marketers relating to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Learn from your peers! Glean relevant insights into various ways the pandemic impacts their everyday jobs and work lives.
Leverage their successes and failures to adapt your marketing strategies and tactics – now and in the immediate future.
Mike Schneider – Executive Vice President and Co-Founder, Greystone.Net
Mike has helped over 75 healthcare organizations develop Internet-related strategic plans. Approximately two decades of experience in the healthcare industry qualified Mike to assume this major role with clients in developing the planning process, as well as overseeing the design and deployment of Websites and collateral marketing materials. Before joining Greystone.Net, Mike was the Director of Database Management and Research for Emory University Health Care System in Atlanta. He has also assumed marketing and planning responsibilities for the National Office of the American Cancer Society (ACS) in Atlanta and St. Vincent Medical Center in Toledo, Ohio. Mike’s leadership in strategic consulting has helped to build Greystone.Net’s pre-eminence in this specialized field.
Greystone adds valued strategic thinking and deep industry expertise to digital healthcare marketing. They have worked with hundreds of respected hospitals and health systems across the country to develop, implement and integrate interactive marketing strategies. And they continue to innovate on new ways to enable healthcare organizations to grow their brand in an environment where consumers expect 24/7 access, information and service.
Unlock Health, powered by the recent acquisitions of Eruptr and DECODE and supported by a team of experts in ROI design and technology, is healthcare's first single-source growth platform. We conne... Read more
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