on 04/05/2021 in Webinar

Secrets of the Best Healthcare Intranets

Secrets of the Best Healthcare Intranets
04/29/2021 - 04/29/2021
1:00PM - 2:00PM
Price: FREE!

Essential, yet confusing. That’s a bad combination in a healthcare environment. 

Yet, this is how nearly 40% of users described their intranet. Healthcare intranets are a critical tool that often gets overlooked, suffering from lack of maintenance and buy-in. Based on findings from a recent survey conducted by Reason One and Greystone, we’ll share what the best ones have in common and how to break through common obstacles.

Reason One partnered with Greystone.Net on their latest survey to understand how organizations manage and produce their intranets through the "Understanding Hospital & Healthcare Intranets" survey. This research study examined the operational and functional aspects of hospital and healthcare system intranets. 

Join Reason One as they present the survey results. This webinar will cover:

- What constitutes best practices for intranets

- Details on how organizations are managing their intranets and will provide insight on budgets, staffing, design and build processes, ideal technology, and much more.

- Next steps for those whose intranets are struggling

This timely study comes when remote work has become more common than ever for many of us and, generally, reliance on intranets has increased. Intranets have quickly become a vital resource to the organization with more remote employees needing access to accomplish daily tasks. 

Presented by:

Ben Cash

Chief Executive Officer

Reason One

Lauren Minors

Marketing Manager

Reason One


Greystone.Net provides services and products to hospitals/health systems including: web, digital and call center consulting, professional development options, a data-driven membership and gSight, a... Read more

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