Posted By MERGE on 08/04/2022

The Metaverse Primer

The Metaverse Primer

Your guide to the next frontier of marketing.

It's time to explore the buzzword of the 21st century, the Metaverse. While it can be a confusing term, MERGE's "The Metaverse Primer" breaks down what the Metaverse is and what it can mean for your brand.

"This primer is here to help enrich your understanding of the Metaverse and its implications for you in a practical, usable way," says Jake Leeman, Vice President, Experience Design Leader, at MERGE, "Whether you are a seasoned technology veteran or a fresh-faced explorer in this space, you should walk away enabled to have productive conversations with your team about where you can go from here."

Click here to download "The Metaverse Primer."

Inside "The Metaverse Primer," you'll discover:

  • How the Metaverse has evolved over time
  • What form the Metaverse can take
  • What brands are doing now
  • How the Metaverse can enhance your brand
  • What steps you should take next

We're to help. If you have questions after reading the primer, let's chat.

The original version of this page was published at:

We are an award-winning marketing services firm that merges storytelling and technology to bring health, wealth and happiness to the world. People come to MERGE looking for a new way; for ideas and... Read more

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