Posted By Strategic Health on 02/06/2020

The Ideal Brand Voice

The Ideal Brand Voice

What is the ideal brand voice? Does such a thing exist?

We think so and here’s how we define it:

An effective brand voice creates confidence, reassurance and resolve.

  • Confidence in the experience of the service line or expertise of the specialist being featured.
  • Reassurance that we understand the condition or disease and will navigate patients and families through treatment with care.
  • Resolve to make an appointment or seek more information about a service, specialist or a symptom.

Remember, marketing content is the means to an end. And the “end” is actually the beginning—an opportunity to start a conversation or engagement that connects consumers to the health information or service they need at the time.

Like a well-designed landing page, the right tone of voice and the right content can transform utilitarian content into an engaging and memorable moment.

The ideal brand voice

The ideal brand voice, like the ideal healthcare professional, will comfortably express a range of emotions, from a sense of humor to a sense of compassion.

If your tagline or verbal identity is a variation of the tired cliché, “Dedicated to providing the highest level of care to the communities we serve,” we can help.

In our work with healthcare organizations, we’ve seen that otherwise competent and trusted healthcare organizations that struggle to differentiate themselves usually haven’t planted a flag in the ground.

When you do plant that flag and your caring comes through every marketing channel your health system uses, everyone benefits:

  • The organization and everyone who works there, by being part of an organization with a well differentiated and clearly positioned brand.
  • Content creators, who will spend less time figuring out how to say something and more time crafting effective content.
  • Service line marketing managers, who can develop more effective and cohesive communications with fewer revisions and disconnects throughout the approval process.
  • Patients, who can make better choices about their healthcare options—and feel more comfortable and confident about the choices they make.
  • HCPs (health care practitioners), who can take pride in marketing communications that project clinical authority without sounding cold or canned.

At Strategic Health, your organization’s needs drive the design. Solutions are built by asking the hard questions—and learning as much as possible about your audience. Our specialty is communicatio... Read more

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