What is wrong with this picture?
You feel it too, right? Don’t you want to tell them:
When people return for care, it will be a new experience. How will you educate them?
Show, not tell
Videos and still photography showing patients what to expect when they come for their appointment will ease their fear and apprehension. Showing them how you are keeping them safe is key.
As you transition from crisis response messaging and begin communicating with patients’ whose planned procedures were canceled amid the COVID-19 outbreak, you’ll need visuals to support your message. An image like the one above will not work.
If you need more resources to get things done ...
Let me know, we can be your extra set of hands. We understand that COVID-19 crisis communications have been your focus. If other communication priorities need attention, we can help. Email me at stephanie@strategic.health
At Strategic Health, your organization’s needs drive the design. Solutions are built by asking the hard questions—and learning as much as possible about your audience. Our specialty is communicatio... Read more
What is the ideal brand voice? Does such a thing exist?We think so and here’s how we define it:An effective brand voice creates confidence, reassurance and resolve.Confidence ...read more
You've talked to department heads, frontline staff and patients about your healthcare organization's transition from paper-based records to EMRs.You've listened to their ...read more
The patient experience includes more than a video appointment.Ask any mother working from home with two toddlers if she prefers a video appointment or trekking to the doctor's ...read more
Launching a new program is the perfect opportunity to consider your communications strategy, before anything new is written or designed. This critical step takes a little extra time, ...read more