Posted By on 10/27/2020

Key COVID-19 Trends from Twitter

Key COVID-19 Trends from Twitter

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives over the past months. While life will eventually return to some semblance of “normal” for most of us, there will be lingering effects for some time. Those lingering effects will be more likely to apply to those whose world view and the way they live have changed. 

Twitter has looked at changes in topics and conversation shifts during the pandemic, which can bring insight to your marketing efforts moving forward. Some of the trends noted by Twitter include:

  • Parenting. Family life has seen a sea change since March, with schools and workplaces shut down and life continuing in a virtual environment for many. Twitter has seen a 42% increase in parenting-related Tweets in the US. Parents have been trying to figure out how to manage virtual schooling and virtual working while keeping their kids engaged with new projects, topics and ideas.

  • Mental health. 2020 has been a challenge, no doubt about it. The viral pandemic has been bad enough, but being coupled with a contentious election year has sent stress levels to upper atmospheric levels. Isolation and increased stress have led to the realization that mental health and mental health resources are of high importance. 54% of Twitter Insiders say that “my mental health” has increased in importance for them in 2020.

  • Changing interests and hobbies. With social distancing, face cover mandates and many businesses closed, people have had to find new outlets to occupy themselves while staying home and staying safe. We all remember the shortages of flour and yeast in the early months of the pandemic as many people tried their luck at bread baking. Twitter has seen increases in these trending hobbies/interests since March:

    • Cartoons up 111%
    • Arts and crafts up 91%
    • Photography up 78%
    • Screenwriting up 37%
    • Needlework up 35%
    • Drawing up 31%

  • Trying new things. People are eager to see new places and do new things once restrictions are lifted or eased. Tweets about trying new things have increased by 24%.

  • Social causes and making a difference. Studies have shown that younger generations, in particular, are more interested in social causes and they pay attention to what brands link to causes they care for. A Twitter survey from April, 2020 found that 72% of Twitter users surveyed said that by taking part in what a brand is supporting they are making a difference.

How can these trends impact your marketing efforts as we move through the pandemic?

Sara Foster

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