If your company relies on Universal Analytics to measure, analyze and/or report on website or marketing channel performance, it is critically important to plan and implement a migration strategy. We saw this coming and have beta tested a marketing analytics platform that ensures data backups, accurate reporting, and improved features over GA. We recommend one of two approaches:
We’ll be publishing more information in the coming months, so get in touch to make sure you are the first to learn more about this upgraded analytics solution!
John Morgan
The original version of this page was published at: https://mhpteamsi.com/news/google-sets-deadline-for-universal-analytics/
For more than 40 years, MHP/Team SI has worked with hospitals, colleges and universities, nonprofit organizations, Fortune 500 companies, and government agencies to build their brands, increase pub... Read more
2022: Here’s hoping it’s not 2020, too. While the COVID-19 pandemic drastically impacted the news landscape, it putting thousands of journalists out of jobs and dominating ...read more
Whether driving sales or driving awareness, implementing an omnichannel approach to marketing gives your brand the differentiating factors to turn upper-funnel “all audiences” ...read more
It’s already time to begin thinking about 2023. Here at MHP/Team SI, we’ve gathered our experts to make their 2023 marketing predictions. We’ve been doing this for ...read more
When it comes to target marketing in healthcare, nothing is going to help you strategize more than taking a closer look at your current patient data. With privacy concerns and third-party ...read more