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The original version of this page was published at: https://www.wainscotmedia.com/post/going-prigital
Wainscot Health, a division of Wainscot Media, helps hospitals, medical practices, pharmaceutical companies and device manufacturers engage target audiences with best-in-class custom content.
Ever-present digital media hasn’t put print to rest. In fact, studies indicate that while digital media is key for generating interest, print media wins the day when it comes ...read more
Good headlines entice consumer audiences to read (or at least skim) content and take away its key points.The challenge? Whether you’re writing for digital or print, you have ...read more
As we reach the one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re reminded of the value of provider stories. During the first surge, these stories were shared frequently by ...read more
Three seconds. That’s the average amount of time you have to capture a reader’s attention online.Every day, we’re bombarded with information from news outlets, coworkers ...read more