Posted By Core Creative on 09/24/2021

Critical Strategic Planning Shifts for Healthcare Marketers

Critical Strategic Planning Shifts for Healthcare Marketers

Core Health’s Top 5 landscape shifts, market trends and consumer insights to keep in mind

When I was a regional director of marketing for a large health system, one of the challenges I faced was picking through all the articles, research studies, and data to glean what was important, relevant and timely specific to healthcare. We know you don't have time to read everything that comes across your inbox and social media feeds, so we've pulled together a summary of the Top 5 landscape shifts, healthcare market trends and consumer insights you'll want to consider as you dive into your strategic planning process.

Top 5 Landscape Shifts

Across the country, the landscape is shifting as it relates to a number of factors. How do each of these shifts affect your community? What's the demand on you? Are you ready to meet changing expectations?"

Top 5 Healthcare Market Trends

As those working in healthcare know, the industry has experienced more and more rapid change in the past two years than ever before … and the implications will be felt for years to come. How are you responding and getting ahead of these trends in the markets you serve? Are your plans changing? Are the expectations placed on you changing?

Here’s the reality, if you haven’t taken these changes into account, you need to know that those you serve, the people who rely on your services, have changed, and their expectations have changed. To ensure your hospital or health system is ready for that, you must change with them. So let’s explore how.

Top 5 Consumer Insights

One of the healthcare trends – consumerism driving expectations – has many different facets that should affect the way healthcare marketers do their jobs, because it’s changing the way people make choices and forge loyalty. These consumer insights have a direct impact on what and how consumers want to hear from you.

Let’s get to work.

Download the Top 5 list now.


Laila Waggoner is a Senior Healthcare Strategist at Core Health, Core Creative’s specialized healthcare marketing practice. Laila has over 30 years of experience with systems such as Mercy Health and ProMedica, as well as with academic medical centers, managed care organizations and clinically integrated networks in markets across the country.

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