Posted By Kyruus Health on 02/05/2019

A Look Back at 2018: Most Popular Patient Access Content

A Look Back at 2018: Most Popular Patient Access Content

2018 marked a year of disruption across the healthcare landscape. From the entrance of new players, like Amazon, JPMorgan and Berkshire Hathaway, to the mergers of prominent health systems, like Mercy Health and Bon Secours, organizations across the space were driven by a desire to meet consumer expectations for a more connected, patient-centric experience.

As health system leaders prioritize improving access and assess new strategies to create an integrated patient experience, we took a look back at some of our most popular and relevant content to help meet these goals:

  1. 2018 Patient Access Journey Report:

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We surveyed 1,000 consumers in our annual report on access trends and found a growing demand for convenient, high-quality care. As competition rises from both traditional and emerging sites of care, opportunities exist for health systems to differentiate their brands by addressing fracture search experiences and removing scheduling barriers.

2. The Three Key Elements of Patient-Provider Matching:  

Patient-Provider Matching WP ScreenshotToday’s healthcare consumer is looking for more than a clinical match, she is looking for a convenient option tailored to her preferences. This white paper advises how health systems can optimize patient-provider matching by factoring in patients’ clinical needs, logistical requirements, and personal preferences, to move the needle on patient access and avoid losing patients to competitors.

3. 2018 Referral Trends Report:

2018 Referral Trends ReportReducing barriers to schedule a patient’s follow-up care with the optimal in-network provider can go a long way to improve patient retention, satisfaction, and care coordination. We surveyed 100 PCPs and 100 specialists across the US to understand their referral tendencies and identify opportunities to improve patient-provider matching as providers look to keep patients within the health system network.

4. Six Essential Patient Access Metrics:

Picture1-2-1Patient experience is a leading priority for many health system leaders, however, most organizations lack visibility into the key metrics they need to evaluate and enhance patient access moving forward. This white paper defines the six metrics health systems should track and provides actionable ways to improve access through visibility into the health system network.


Visit our Resource Center to access this content and to learn how to power your organization’s transformation in 2019.

The original version of this page was published at:

Kyruus delivers proven provider search, scheduling, and data management solutions that help health systems match patients with the right providers across multiple points of access.

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