Are you running out of ideas for what to post on your hospital’s social media profiles? Need some inspiration to get your creative juices flowing? Below are 9 ideas to help you post social media content that informs, educates, and engages your audience. To keep your social media content fresh and interesting, you will want to switch between various types of posts. You can apply the ideas below to social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, SnapChat, Instagram, and others.
1. Educate your followers about health issues. Want to show your patients and potential patients that you care about them and their needs? Use your social media profiles to share information and tips that could help them live healthier lives. For example, you may want to feature information about how to stay healthy during flu season, how to recognize the signs of a stroke, how to eat healthier, etc.
2. Highlight awards, accreditations, certifications, and other milestones achieved by your hospital. Whether your hospital received a prestigious award for excellence in patient care or it finally became officially accredited as a trauma center, you’ll want to make sure to share these updates with your social media followers. News such as this could end up being a deciding factor into whether a potential patient chooses your hospital over another one. Make sure to explain why the particular achievement is significant. For example, a new accreditation may serve as proof that your hospital truly specializes in a specific area of care.
3. Let your followers know about facility and equipment upgrades. If your hospital just added a new patient wing, renovated its ICU, acquired new state-of-the-art equipment, or did something else along those lines, you should definitely spread the word through social media. These are all developments that your hospital visitors can benefit from, so don’t be afraid to let your followers know about them!
4. Help patients navigate changes in the healthcare system. With the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and other changes in the healthcare system, patients may need a little help understanding their care options. You can use your platforms to share helpful facts, links to government resources for the uninsured and underinsured, links to articles on hot-topic issues related to the healthcare system, and more.
5. Share photos and videos. Social media users love visual engagement, so make sure to include photos and videos in your posts. In 2014, Twitter released data from a study that showed that adding a photo to a tweet led to a 35% boost in retweets on average, and adding a video added a 28% boost on average. In early 2015, Facebook announced that the amount of video being posted globally by people and brands in the social media platform’s News Feed had more than tripled (3.6x) over the previous year. Meanwhile, various hospitals have started testing out Periscope with live video streaming of medical procedures, doctor Q & As, facility tours, and more.
6. Let your followers know how they can get involved. Use your social media platforms to announce events such as community health workshops, blood drives, charity fundraisers, and more. Include the date, time, and information about how followers can get signed up. Sharing these events on social media is the perfect way to boost interest and community involvement.
7. Feature people from your hospital. It’s a simple fact that people relate to people. Share stories about doctors, nurses, and other medical staff members who are doing unique things at your hospital and in the community. For example, you may want to share about that oncology team that raised money for families who couldn’t afford cancer treatment, or that doctor who goes on medical mission trips in Third World countries. Give your social media followers a glimpse of the amazing people who make up your hospital!
8. Get followers engaged through contests and giveaways. Create special social media campaigns that will get your followers excited to engage with your posts. For example, you can ask users health-related questions and give prizes for the best answers. Or, you can also select random winners from people who like and share certain posts. It also helps to get creative with unique hashtags related to your campaigns.
9. Get seasonal. Think of health-related posts that relate to the current holiday or season. Post information about breast cancer treatment during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, or give ideas for health-related resolutions for the New Year. Even a general “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Hanukkah” messages can add a little more warmth and personality to your hospital’s social media pages and profiles.
Bonus: Want to learn more about social media for your hospital? Check out our Beginners Guide to Social Media . We go over the ins and outs of setting up your social media accounts like your Facebook Business Page, ad accounts, and content strategy for social media.
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