When it comes to marketing, it’s easy to add one marketing vendor or tool after the next—but that’s not necessarily the most efficient approach for your business.
Here’s an infographic that explains how you can make better use of your time and resources and improve results by going with an all-in-one solution for your digital marketing.
Scorpion works with hundreds of health systems in the area of healthcare digital strategy. Our solution set is a combination of web tech and managed services that our clients call a "competitive a... Read more
You may have heard that a frog won’t jump out of a pot that’s slowly brought to a boil. He’ll just sit there and die a slow, blissfully ignorant spa death as the ...read more
If you own or operate a local business, you need to be thinking about how you can make your company more visible and attractive to potential customers in your area. If you don’t, ...read more
The short answer: YES. But let’s find out how.As a home services professional, you might be using Google’s pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to market your business.If you ...read more
In an effort to protect the health of their own team members and reduce the number of staff coming into their offices, Google is asking businesses to expect temporary delays and limitations ...read more