The online health and wellness industry is booming today -- a new study from Pew Research found that 80% of internet users have searched for a health-related topic online. This shift presents healthcare providers and industry members with a unique opportunity and challenge: break through the noise with quality healthcare campaigns.
So how do you break through the noise and create a healthcare marketing campaign that makes an impact?
We rounded up some of our favorite creative examples to get the gears turning for your next viral healthcare marketing campaign.
Virtual Reality technology has exploded within the past several year -- Fortune estimates that the industry will be worth $150 billion in revenue in 2020. But the adoption of this new technology doesn’t just present an exciting opportunity for video game enthusiasts, marketers are leveraging it as a new opportunity to connect with audiences.
Medical Realities leverages this technology to create innovative and shareable content out of complex and potentially dry topics.
The video shown below offers information about a complex surgical procedure, but allows the viewer to experience the content from the perspective of the patient. This approach not only educates surgeons and medical professionals, but offers an immersive and shareable experience for the public.
Want to create your own 360 degree immersive experience? Learn how to use Facebook’s Oculus tool here.
Interactive content is a natural fit for healthcare marketers and providers, as we are often creating content for end users searching for Information that speaks to their Individual health concerns.
Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group created an appealing interactive tool to help patients assess their sleep.
See the full assessment here.
While interactive content is an effective tool for patient engagement on its own, MAPMG leveraged the content with a “surround the castle approach” reaching users with it both through their social media, and blog posts.
Sometimes a new spin on the basics of excellent marketing are just what your next campaign needs to increase its impact.
Dana-Farber Brigham & Women’s Cancer Center built a campaign around the powerful slogan "Right now you may have cancer. But what your cancer doesn't know is — You Have Us."
This slogan was supported by a series of short and shareable videos, and supported by a robust social media campaign using the hashtag #YouHaveUs.
The You Have Us healthcare campaign also demonstrates that campaigns don’t have to be confined to several weeks or even a year. After the campaign’s official end, the Dana-Farber team retained the domain and folded the campaign’s powerful message as a service directory:
Podcasts and audio content are no longer a long-shot channel for marketers. In fact, 51% of the US population (over 165 million people) report having listened to a podcast.
Famous for their extensive library of healthcare resources available through their blog, the Cleveland Clinic is also leading the way in audio content within the healthcare marketing sphere.
Multiple podcasts with cohesive branding offer listeners opportunities to tailor the content they consume to their specific interests and challenges. The multiple shows Cleveland Clinic produces also expand the range of experts they have the opportunity to elevate as thought leaders.
Listen to Cleveland Clinic’s Health Essentials podcast here, or if you’re feeling a little bit more adventurous, check out their Butts & Guts pod.
The Worldwide Breast Cancer organization used a visual healthcare campaign based primarily on social media to spark conversation and increase awareness for breast cancer warning signs. The key image of the campaign uses 12 lemons in an egg carton to educate the public on what breast cancer can look and feel like.
The lemon imagery is approachable, follows social media network guidelines for photo content (a tall order in healthcare marketing, especially for breast cancer awareness), and garnered thousands of shares.
The accompanying #KnowYourLemons hashtag allowed their team to answer questions and foster conversation on social media, and corresponded to additional information on a microsite that offered more context and next steps for users.
A picture is worth 1,000 words, but when your words and pictures work seamlessly together each other? Priceless.
This was Froedtert Health’s recipe for success with a visual campaign that captured attention with an optical illusion.
Not only did the campaign pack a visual punch, the innovative wordplay and design work together to make this digital and print ad a part of a particularly impactful campaign.
These creative campaigns prove that healthcare marketing doesn’t have to be (and frankly, today, can’t) be boring.
Want help orchestrating your next innovative campaign? We’ve got you covered. Get in touch.
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