This 3D medical animation describes the basic anatomy and blood flow through a normal heart. It then explains the birth defects that characterize hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), and gives common treatment options and procedures.
Nucleus Medical Media, Inc. is a leading creator of medical illustrations, medical animations, and interactive media for healthcare, education, pharmaceutical, medical device, legal, entertainment ... Read more
This 3D medical animation shows the placement of an endoscope in the large colon (bowel) during a colonoscopy procedure. more
A coronary angioplasty procedure is also known as percutaneous coronary intervention. The procedure is done on blood vessels called coronary arteries, they supply your heart muscle more
A cerebral aneurysm is a ballooning of an artery in the brain. This 3D medical animation describes how aneurysms form in the circle of Willis and how they can rupture. more
This video 3D animation on COVID-19: What Happens If You Get Coronavirus is a collaboration between Nucleus Medical Media and our friends at the What If Channel. For Employees more