Posted By Interpreters and Translators, Inc. on 05/03/2021

Website Localization: The Key to Expanding Market Share

Website Localization: The Key to Expanding Market Share

What is Localization in Translation?

Localization is the process of adapting text, images, videos, marketing campaigns and more, to fit the linguistic, cultural and societal norms of your target audience.

Consider this: Roughly 6 billion people speak a language other than English. What’s more, there are 4.7 billion internet users and the U.S. isn’t in the top 10 in the world in terms of internet accessibility.

According to CSA Research, a market research firm, 76% of international online shoppers prefer to buy from websites in their native language. But catering to international customers requires more than translation. It demands localization.

In essence, localization is making something that was produced outside of a particular region feel like it was crafted in that location for people who live in that specific region. All of the biggest global brands localize, but they became global because they started by acting local.

Think McDonald’s menu in France: The fast-food king’s signature McFlurry comes in French Crème Brulee’, for instance. For the record, France — the land of fine dining – is now McDonald’s second-most profitable market.

Localization goes beyond matching text and helps you connect with consumers on a more meaningful level by creating content that resonates culturally. Localization builds trust and credibility, which results in customer loyalty.

Most importantly, localization is how you expand your reach, which generates revenue. A recent industry study showed that every $1 invested in website localization returns $25 dollars. That’s a ROI of 2,400%!

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