While we work with nurses every day, all of us at Tipton Health wish we could do more to support their heroic daily care-giving efforts. A few of our team members found ways that we can all help to alleviate the desperate need for personal protection equipment. We will be updating this list through the weeks ahead:
Sew a mask or donate materials for masks.
Here’s how!
Take it up a notch.
Make your mask from high-end furnace filter material.
“Print” a mask using a 3D printer.
Here’s information on how to get started!
If you don’t have a 3D printer, contact your local university science, engineering or art department or any local businesses that have 3D printers to see if they can help. Be sure to check with your local hospital to make sure the masks can be used there.
Resource from nurses.org:
20 Ways to Support Nurses
Most of all…STAY HOME and STAY SAFE.
It’s working!
The original version of this page was published at: https://tiptonhealth.com/
Your Healthcare & Marketing Communications Partner. Tipton Health Communications are expert consultants in nursing excellence, HR/benefits communications and employee engagement. We specialize in p... Read more
As hospitals and health systems around the country continue to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic and work swiftly to develop strategies to be more inclusive, nursing leaders are searching ...read more
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