Posted By Modea on 09/16/2020

How COVID-19 Has Put Technology Roadmaps on a Fast Track

Ask the Expert, with Bryce Cannon, President of Modea

// By Jane Weber Brubaker //

The pandemic has taken a toll on every aspect of our lives for the past several months. As health systems have scrambled to meet the needs of their communities, technology projects that may have been nice to have down the road before the coronavirus are now mission-critical.

We sat down with Bryce Cannon, president of Modea, in Blacksburg, Virginia. Modea is a healthcare technology, web development, and data analytics consulting firm. Our conversation was about where we are today as an industry, and where things need to go to realize the potential of digital transformation. Cannon shared his perspectives on advancements driven by COVID-19, and the challenges healthcare still must overcome to solidify strong relationships built during these challenging times.

Read the full article here.

We help healthcare organizations identify the right digital strategies and create products that infuse control, transparency, and choice into the consumer healthcare experience.

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