Nearly 80% of providers say a high-quality digital presence on their healthcare organization’s find-a-provider website is extremely or very important, according to Kyruus’ recent survey of 200 providers. The new study revisits a 2019 survey and reveals fresh insights from providers about the importance of a strong digital profile, including:
Here are key takeaways about what providers want—and how healthcare organizations can help. To learn more about what's on providers' minds today, download the full report.
Providers Want to Paint an Accurate Picture for Consumers and Referring Colleagues
Online profiles are providers’ digital calling cards, so it’s vital to present accurate, complete information to consumers and other providers who may refer patients. It’s not surprising that providers cite accurately conveying their professional experience and showcasing their academic research, publications, and experience as top reasons for maintaining a high-quality digital profile. After all, these are the attributes that, when presented accurately and completely, differentiate providers from their peers.
Providers Want Their Digital Presence to Encompass Internal and External Channels
Providers want their profiles to surface everywhere consumers search online for care—including health plan websites, search engines, and health-related third-party sites—as a means to drive patient acquisition. But they can’t make this happen on their own: two-thirds say it’s extremely or very important for healthcare organizations to be more active in online channel expansion, up from just over half in 2019.
Why Providers Say Healthcare Organizations Should Help Manage Profiles Across Channels
Providers Want to Be Part of Digital Access Strategies
Here’s some good news: most providers are satisfied with communications from their healthcare organization around digital access initiatives—a marked improvement over 2019—and the majority want to play a role in digital access strategies. On a more granular level, nearly all say they are involved to some degree in creating their profile on their organization's find-a-provider website and an equal number want to be more involved, either personally or through their staff. This is positive progress that healthcare organizations should work to continually maintain.
Tips for Getting Started
Providers want to collaborate with their healthcare organizations on curating a strong digital presence in internal and external channels. Use these quick tips to get started:
Download Provider Perspectives on Digital Access, 2022 Edition to find out what providers think about their digital presence in both internal and third-party channels, their new-found respect for online scheduling, and what tools are helping them mitigate workforce shortages.
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Kyruus delivers proven provider search, scheduling, and data management solutions that help health systems match patients with the right providers across multiple points of access.
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