MarTech Researchers FAQs

What is a Researcher Account?

A Researcher account is for anyone who isn’t managing a Vendor Profile. A Researcher may post reviews, bookmark vendors, and use the Vendor Compare Tool.

What does it cost?

Researcher accounts are free of charge.

Why do you require my title, organization, work email, and other information?

The MarTech.Health Directory is a tool for industry professionals, so confirming your identity helps us maintain professionalism. We will never disclose or publish your identity without your permission.

May a Vendor get a Researcher account?

Yes, and Vendors are welcome to leave reviews for business partners.

Vendor Content

In addition to a profile, Premium Vendors are encouraged to add searchable content such as videos, podcasts, presentations, articles, and event notifications.

Universal Search

Typing a word or phrase into the search box will generate a search for vendors as well as their videos, podcasts, presentations, articles, and events.

The default view displays the first five vendors and then the first three results in each category. The number of results for each category is listed in the navigation bar. Click any category to see what’s in each specific category.

Universal Search Screenshot

Default Search Results Order

You may search for vendors in several ways.

If you're searching within a service focus, then the default sort order is:

  1. Premium Profiles
    1. % of service focus
      1. Overall star rating
  2. Standard Profiles
    1. % of service focus
      1. Overall star rating

If you're searching via the search box, then the default sort order is:

  1. Premium Profiles
    1. Keyword in name
      1. Smart Tag match
        1. Keyword in Short description
          1. Keyword on About Us content
            1. Location Match
  2. Standard Profiles
    1. Keyword in name
      1. Smart Tag match
        1. Keyword in Short description
          1. Keyword on About Us content
            1. Location Match

What are Bookmarks?

Bookmarks are a research tool available to all General User accounts. You can bookmark vendor profiles, articles, videos, presentations, and other content for future use. You can also compare bookmarked vendors with the Vendor Compare Tool.

Bookmarking a Vendor

Bookmarking a Vendor

Bookmarking an Article

Bookmarking an Article

What is the Compare Tool?

Our Vendor Compare Tool allows you to generate a comparison grid with Vendor Profile information that includes:

  • Company Name
  • Short Description
  • Basic Contact Information
  • Categories, Focus, and Reviews
  • Recommendation score
  • Website and Social Media Links

After you’ve bookmarked two or more vendors, visit the Vendor Compare Tool and select your bookmarked vendors in the top right corner to compare. Future enhancements will allow you to export this chart to Excel.

Compare Chart

What are Reviews, Ratings, and Recommendations?

Reviews, Ratings, and Recommendations are the foundation of MarTech.Health and your input is valuable information you can share with colleagues. You’re able to:

  • Score each service area on a five-point scale. If you’re unfamiliar with a service, simply leave the score blank.
  • Respond to, "If a colleague asked you to provide a list of vendors that provide this service, where would this vendor be on your list?"

May I be Anonymous?

You may choose to have your feedback labeled as from your organization type (e.g., Academic Medical Center, Large Healthcare System, Pharmaceutical, etc.) without your name and organization being public. Note - this is the default option.

Sending Messages

You can send messages to vendors by clicking "Contact Now" on their listing in search results.

Contact Now

Or, by clicking "Send Message" on their profile page

Send Message

A text box will pop up for you to write a message. Vendors will not see any personal information, just your organization type. You’ll need to provide your personal contact information if you want to move forward with a vendor or make contact outside MarTech.Health.

Message Form

Receiving Messages

You can access your messages through your Administrative Panel and clicking on "Message Board"

Admin Panel

Click the message to view the entire thread.

My Messages

Your messages will appear on the right side with a blue background. The vendor's messages will appear on the left side with a light grey background, like this:
